Tactical Forgetting is a computer-supported exercise that tackles the issue of digital memory and distributed events that need to be forgotten either because of their sensitive content, or because of community safety. Narratives unfold within different temporalities and spaces: documentary footage of the labor inspection in a large company in Minsk that develops military computer games, disappeared content from servers of internet portals, the distributed memory of bodies participating in the revolution, and fictional desired economic strikes.
Computer-supported exercises are unrolled around digital memory and distributed events that need to be forgotten rather because of their sensitive content, or rather because of community safety.
You are up to explore a training program that is build around memorising based on neutron activity, that are fed with connected elements and various scenarios reflecting Belarusian reality. With your answers you define how hard you would will to remember or rather forget the materials you’ve just watched or listened to.
Narratives unfold within different temporalities and spaces: documentary footage of the Labour inspection to a large company in Minsk that develops military computer games, disappeared content from servers of Internet portals, the distributed memory of bodies participating in the revolution and fictional desired economic strikes.