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Manual for Traffic Loop


  1. 130Gb of free space
  2. More than 4Gb of RAM
  3. It’s better to have 2-core CPU or more

Short description:

Landscape has three virtual machines running Centos7.5
There are 2 network interfaces with enabled forwarding on each server
Traffic is looped on IP
TTL on IP IP is set on 64 on each server
reverse path filter (rp_filter) is disabled on each server
Performance on my laptop is around 5800 packets per second.

Setup on Windows:

  1. Download and install vagrant (if not installed)
  2. Download and install VirtualBox (if not installed)
  3. Download and install putty
  4. Download confic files of test landscape.
  5. Extract downloaded files.
  6. Run cmd or powershell and go to folder that contains downloaded archive. Then go to traffic-loop-landscape-routing-master folder
  7. run the landscape: vagrant up
  8. Check ports that were set up for SSH on every vagrant server: vagrant ssh-config
  9. Run pageant application (distributed with putty)
  10. Click on the app icon in the system tray and seelct “add key”
  11. In traffic-loop-landscape-routing-master select id_rsa.ppk file
  12. Run putty and enter address; in field “port” enter Port from the step 7 for server1; enter vagrant as username when needed
  13. Do the same for server2
  14. The same server3
  15. Make a mutual pings on every server using paired network interfaces. It is needed to check that network is set up correctly as well as to exclude situation when virtualBox network sleeps until there is network activity. For example, if there is no ping from server1 to then it is neccesary to run ping on the server1 and run ping on the server3. Wait for approx 10 seconds. Network should be awake.
  16. Set up network monitoring on server1 after checking network on every server: Когда все пинги есть на server2 или server3: sudo tcpdump -xx -XX -ni eth1 host
  17. Put one packet into traffic loop unsing on of the servers:: ping -c 1
  18. Watch looped traffic using tcpdump: every line is one loop through the landscape
  19. To stop traffic loop use following command on the server1: sudo vagrant/ stop
  20. To start again: sudo vagrant/ start

Setup on Mac OS or Linux:

  1. Download and install vagrant (if not installed)
  2. Download and install VirtualBox (if not installed)
  3. Download and install putty
  4. Download confic files of test landscape.
  5. Extract downloaded files.
  6. Run Terminal and go to folder that contains downloaded archive. Then go to traffic-loop-landscape-routing-master folder
  7. Run the landscape: vagrant up
  8. Check server1 is working: vagrant ssh server1
  9. In new terminal window check server2 is working: vagrant ssh server2
  10. In another terminal window check server3 is working: vagrant ssh server3
  11. Make a mutual pings on every server using paired network interfaces. It is needed to check that network is set up correctly as well as to exclude situation when virtualBox network sleeps until there is network activity. For example, if there is no ping from server1 to then it is neccesary to run ping on the server1 and run ping on the server3. Wait for approx 10 seconds. Network should be awake.
  12. Set up network monitoring on server1 after checking network on every server: Когда все пинги есть на server2 или server3: sudo tcpdump -xx -XX -ni eth1 host
  13. Put one packet into traffic loop unsing on of the servers:: ping -c 1
  14. Watch looped traffic using tcpdump: every line is one loop through the landscape
  15. To stop traffic loop use following command on the server1: ~sudo vagrant/ stop
  16. To start again: sudo ~vagrant/ start